Cash-In Your Accident or Personal Injury Settlement

You Don’t Have To Wait For Your Litigation Cash Settlement

We will get your Accident & Injury Claim Settlement Cash Fast.

When we give you funding, we are investing in your well being and the best possible outcome is a priority.

Construction Accident Verdict

Injured in a construction accident and need cash now? We will cover your expenses, mortgage, and more.

Workers' Compensation Lawsuit

Injured while at work and are awaiting a Workers’ Compensation award? Get an immediate cash advance now.*

*only in certain states

Other Personal Injuries

Injured in motor vehicle accident, slip or trip and fall, police brutality, or any other type of injury? We have you covered!

Don´t wait any longer

Villagómez Capital is recognized as one of the top lawsuit funding agencies in the business.

Dealing with pain and suffering as a result of an automobile accident, on-the-job injury, medical malpractice, or any number of other personal injuries is difficult, stressful, AND…Expensive! 

Waiting endlessly to receive a fair and legal settlement from your accident is nothing short of adding insult to injury. Monthly bills, living expenses, and medical expenses don’t get put on hold after you suffer a debilitating injury, nor will your creditors want to hear promises about getting paid once your case finally settles. You need cash today and we’ll help you get it.

Use this advance to pay all of your mounting debts and expenses including:


You Don’t Have to Wait for Your Litigation Cash Settlement

Villagómez Capital Gets You Accident & Injury Claim Settlement Cash Fast

If you are waiting for a construction accident lawsuit, car accident lawsuit, slip and fall, or any other civil action to be settled, or a personal injury claim to be paid, you don’t have to wait for your money any longer. Cash-in on your case today and receive a pre-settlement cash advance…and leave the waiting to us.

If you have a lawsuit pending and you have an attorney, or need an attorney to work on your case, Villagómez Capital pre-settlement cash advance will put money in your hands and get creditors off your back. Injury Cash Advances for as little as $250.